Dental Technician
Не важно с какой керамикой Вы работаете, важны Ваши знания морфологии и анатомия зуба и понимание правил работы с
материалами и взаимодействия с участниками процесса.
Born in St. Petersburg, Russia
Alexander (Alek) Aronin began training in St. Petersburg, Russia in 1990 before moving to Israel
In 2001, he established a dental laboratory in Toronto, Canada. While managing his dental
business, Alek traveled globally to further his training with master technicians including Mr. Aki
Yoshida in Boston USA, Mr. Kataoka at Osaka Ceramic Training Center (OCTC) Japan, Mr. Michel and Pascal Magne in Los Angeles, CA and Mr. Aoshima who was his first source of inspiration in Japan.
Now Alek is the owner of the Dental Laboratory and Morphology School in Toronto, Canada.
the present
Focusing on Bonded Porcelain Restorations and education. Alek has been lecturing and
demonstrating world Wide for the past 14 years.